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 See what people are saying:

Afro-Caribbean Step

“ I would like to buy any other videos you have. This video is the best step video I have seen” C. Brathwaite

African dance workout

“What a great instructor Debra is! (She’s like the female Billy Blanks. caliber-wise)” online customer

This is my second Debra Bono DVD and so far my favorite! This DVD starts with 7 minute warm up that includes some of the movements that you will be doing during the aerobic section and then a light stretch for muscles.
The 40 minute aerobic section consist of two different workouts. If you (like me) have a very extensive home DVD library and look for DVD's to create a little variety and also muscle confusion this is it! I love doing the moves that swing your leg in circle (while standing) or work your shoulder forward in a lunge, or even a kick back with attidude. The dance is well cued, the studio is beautiful and the music is perfect for the dancers. This is advertised as an intermediate DVD and I would say that's about right, although advanced beginners may want to give it a try only because the workout is so interesting, you would not mind practicing with it a few times.
There are plenty of hops for those of you who like high impact, but there is also a modifier in the back (sometimes hard to see) who does a low impact version.
I also like this one more than the other that I purchased because there is no down time. No stopping for creative moves. just full aerobic dance...and the dance is fun and beautiful.
If you want to try a workout that is different than what you have (march, march, side step, side step) this is it. I will use this DVD frequently and keep it in my library.

AMAZON REVIEW (see link below)

Cardio Meets Strength Slow Strong and Simple

“It May be “SIMPLE” but not boring or monotonous. Really like it& expect to use it often.” K. Corcoran

“I love it, I love the dance moves. Easy to do, follow.”

D. Bailey

African Grace

“I love this video- It is a beautiful dance and the instructor is great.” M. Johansen

I really enjoy Ms Bono’s teaching style. Ms. Bono’s videos are unique in the world of fitness dvds.” S. Barr